'Suicide Squad' Looks Like No Superhero Movie We've Ever Seen. There are shots of Deadshot rappelling down a building. Close up on Will Smith's face, sans mask.
'Suicide Squad' Looks Like No Superhero Movie We've Ever Seen. There are shots of Deadshot rappelling down a building. Close up on Will Smith's face, sans mask.
'Suicide Squad': Film Review. Director David Ayer ('Fury') brings his eagerly awaited DC Comics-based action noir to the screen, with Will Smith ...
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
The Joker and Harley Quinn steal the show in this DC Comics-style riff on 'The Dirty Dozen,' which shares the same bleak view of superheroes ...
This trailer for Suicide Squad is quite possibly the best cut trailer I've ever seen. You have no idea how hyped I was for this movie when this dropped.
The Comic-Con footage for Warner Bros.' Suicide Squad had the Hall H crowd salivating when it debuted on Saturday.
Suicide Squad Comic Con panel highlights & news with Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, ...
Check out a new video from Comic-Con International: San Diego that hypes the upcoming "Suicide Squad" movie. Full article here.
The David Ayer film is currently shooting in Toronto through the summer, and will be in theaters in a little over a year from now on August 5th ...
Eight new short clips from the film have just landed, showing that Warner Brothers are being quite liberal about what they show from the movie.
The movie first look takes on a decidedly creepy tone (complete with even creepier soundtrack), and it's one that isn't sitting too well with ...