A personal documentary about a public subject, My Father's Vietnam personifies the connections made and unmade by the Vietnam War.
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May 25, 2016 — But Soren Sorensen's “My Father's Vietnam” manages to be both personal and informative, a memoir of a time now fading into ancient history as ...
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
A personal documentary about a public subject, My Father's Vietnam personifies the connections made and unmade by the Vietnam War.
Aug 27, 2016 — Deliberately relaxed and understated, My Father's Vietnam contemplates the “ripple effects,” as my father puts it, of war in a broad sense and ...
Apr 27, 2016 — A powerful look at the psychological and mortal consequences of the Vietnam war on two GI's from privileged families that benefits from the ...
May 26, 2016 — Check out my latest review for CutPrintFilm on Soren Sorensen's latest documentary My Father's Vietnam (click the image below to go to the ...
The film is an honest portrayal, not of the real truth of Vietnam, but of a few who served, and their views. I don't fault them for that, or the documentarian.
This movie perfectly blends the history, emotion, and impact of the Vietnam War. This is a film that has great relevance today as the world is torn by the ...
Filmmaker and composer Soren Sorensen narrates his documentary My Father's Vietnam, a personal look at his father Peter's Vietnam War experience.
Apocalypse Now captures the chaos and hopelessness of it. No one has any idea what's going on, it's just a free for all and just keeps getting more insane.