- Updated Movie Reviews. The film is pretty darn slow in the first half, but 100% gripping and intense in the second half. A refreshing morning ...
Movie Reviews and Information: reviews/me-him-her/
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The animation is top-notch, the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, the pacing is excellent and it's an all-around blast to watch.
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
Sappy, artificial drama that'll make you squirm in your seat out of sheer discomfort. Max Landis lacks restraint when it comes to comedy, beating a joke over ...
Max Landis's Me Him Her is barely filmed with competence, its rack focuses and shot constructions barely film school passable. It is sloppy.
The manic sex comedy Me Him Her has an admirably buoyant energy but a murky message and shortage of laughs. By Lara Zarum FULL REVIEW.
Honestly, I loved this movie. It was comedic and touching without taking the viewer on an emotional roller-coaster. Having grown up in Los Angeles, I could ...
Feel good movie, lengthy at times (no quick cuts and dialogue driven) but engaging at every step. Beautiful cinematography and soundtrack. Everyone cooked.
The ending of this movie is just wonderful, not a dry eye in the house. In a cancer movie trope subversion we don't see her die or say goodbye ...
"Me Him Her" is an abrasively un-romantic non-comedy from Max Landis about a guy trapped between a gay best friend and lesbian love ...
A fun and short experimental film... It's a very self-mocking and open film, and I found it very endearing.