"Da Sweet Blood of Jesus" is a bold but wildly uneven, bloody mess of a film, sunk in large part by the subpar performances by nearly every major character in .
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It's such a great film because it subverts the idea of addiction and loneliness and creates a post-modern treatise that can be read on many levels.
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Da Sweet Blood is first and foremost an exercise in simmering style and paying vivid homage to film history, and it works in spades. At one ...
As an art-house film in fails. The acting is horrible, the soundtrack is as annoying as fingernails across a chalkboard, and the story is practically non- ...
It's a true horror film & tackles the big ideas without didacticism or shallowness. An endlessly fascinating & nutty film that demands a re-watch, even by those ...
Every joke that Gunn considered making, but dismissed as too broad, Lee seized and used. Whereas Gunn embraces madness, Lee's version is anemic and stilted.
It was strange, beautiful, disturbing and uplifting in many ways. It was amazing to see black and brown people just being while simultaneously being ...
“Da Sweet Blood of Jesus,” Spike Lee's new film, is a grisly and ghoulish vampire story. It is also an evident labor of love.
Da Sweet Blood Of Jesus is the best kind of failure, impassioned and singular, but it's a failure all the same— glacially paced, stiffly acted, shapeless, and ...
Da Sweet Blood Of Jesus is not as bad as critics made it out to be. It's far from perfect and I think late period Spike Lee will always be a bit ...