Movie Reviews and Information: reviews/whisky-galore/

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A delicious home-cooked meal

Reviews: Whisky Galore - IMDb

A lacklustre remake of the classic 1940s Ealing comedy which fails to achieve the whimsical charm for which it is clearly aiming despite the best efforts of ...

A refreshing morning breeze

Reviews: Whisky Galore! - IMDb

A little town on a Scottish Isle suffers the most horrifying predicament, of which the outbreak of WWII in hindsight seemed to be an omen: they're out of ...

A beautiful sunset

Whisky Galore – review - IMDb

In the second, Whisky Galore, the thirsty inhabitants of a remote Scottish village hijack the cargo of a whisky-laden merchantman wrecked on their shores during ...

A beautiful sunset

Whisky Galore! Review - IMDb

The war may be going on, but those who inhabit the Highlands and Islands of Scotland don't seem particularly interested – that is until they run out of whisky.

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