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A serene mountain view

Dirty Grandpa | Rotten Tomatoes

Dirty Grampa feels as discusting as humorous. The story is predictable and relies on degenerate gimmicks to be entertaining. It feels flimsy despite its ...

A refreshing morning breeze

Dirty Grandpa user reviews - Metacritic

It's not the fact that Dirty Grandpa is a bad film, it's that it is actually a film and that the people that made it actually expect people to watch it, it ...

A delicious home-cooked meal

Dump months - Wikipedia

Dirty Dancing, which went on to make $63 million domestically from its release in late August 1987, and spawn several sequels and a franchise, and · Straight ...

A serene mountain view

January 2016 - RATH'S REVIEWS

Dirty Grandpa is a film with a lot of missed potential. It's clear that De Niro is talented, and the thought of him as a foul-mouthed old ...

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