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A refreshing morning breeze

Reviews: 13th - IMDb

This documentary shines a very bright light on two fundamental issues going on in our country. The power of money and it's influence on profitable incarceration ...

A beautiful sunset

Reviews: Thirteen - IMDb

Tracy Freeland (Evan Rachel Wood) is a smart, sweet, conscientious 13 year old. She lives with her single recovering addict mom Melanie (Holly Hunter).

A beautiful sunset

Reviews: The 13th Unit - IMDb

It's a simple straight forward story - 3 different groups get trapped in a storage building, and are hunted by an unknown supernatural creature. There are a few ...

A serene mountain view

Reviews: Friday the 13th - IMDb

For a slasher movie, it's not as bloody as a modern slasher, but it still delivers brutal kills. The music and sound effects are all great. The suspense- ...

A cozy fireplace

Reviews: The 13th Friday - IMDb

' Everything here is rotten. Tristan Price's screenplay is rubbish, with characters so empty as to be almost nonsensical, lazy and thoughtless scene writing, ...

A cozy fireplace

Reviews: XIII: The Conspiracy - IMDb

Special ops guy, mad skills, lost his memory, taken in by kind strangers, people trying to kill him, meets strange but beautiful european chick who helps him.

A cozy fireplace

Reviews: The 13th Sign - IMDb

Carl once played an important role in Hardware which was a good movie but here it's back to square one. The story itself is okay but the movie is a bit boring.

A beautiful sunset

Reviews: The Thirteenth Floor - IMDb

The 13th Floor is it. Not in action, stunts or CG, but by presenting an old, yet interesting idea in wonderful pictures and a genre between sci-fi and mystery.

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